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  4. Human Molecular Genetics, 4th Edition2010 ژنتیک مولکولی انسان
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Human Molecular Genetics, 4th Edition2010 ژنتیک مولکولی انسان

کد کتاب 118515

Human Molecular Genetics

کتاب ژنتیک مولکولی انسان


افست = اورجینال
چاپ تمام رنگی

کاغذ 80 گرمی اندونزی
جلد سخت و ته دوخت

*بهترین کیفیت افست را از ما بخواهید*

ژنتیک مولکولی انسانی یک کتاب درسی تثبیت شده و اثبات شده طبقاتی برای مقاطع کارشناسی ارشد و دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی است که رویکردی معتبر و یکپارچه به جنبه های مولکولی ژنتیک انسانی را فراهم می کند.

تعداد صفحه
سال نشر
نوبت چاپ
By (author) Tom Strachan , By (author) Andrew Read

موجود در انبار (قیمت و موجودی بروز می باشد ، با خیال راحت خرید کنید)

خرید کتاب Human Molecular Genetics, 4th Edition2010 ژنتیک مولکولی انسان با 10 درصد تخفیف

Human Molecular Genetics

ژنتیک مولکولی انسان


Human Molecular Genetics is an established and class-proven textbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students which provides an authoritative and integrated approach to the molecular aspects of human genetics. While maintaining the hallmark features of previous editions, the Fourth Edition has been completely updated. It includes new Key Concepts at the beginning of each chapter and annotated further reading at the conclusion of each chapter, to help readers navigate the wealth of information in this subject.
The text has been restructured so genomic technologies are integrated throughout, and next generation sequencing is included. Genetic testing, screening, approaches to therapy, personalized medicine, and disease models have been brought together in one section. Coverage of cell biology including stem cells and cell therapy, studying gene function and structure, comparative genomics, model organisms, noncoding RNAs and their functions, and epigenetics have all been expanded.

Product details

  • Paperback | 782 pages
  • 213 x 276 x 31.75mm | 1,701g
  • CRC Press Inc
  • Bosa Roca, United States
  • English
  • New edition
  • 4th New edition
  • 472 Line drawings, color; 83 Halftones, black and white; 127 Tables, black and white; 610 Illustrations, color
  • 0815341490
  • 9780815341499
  • 70,964

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