آخرین بروزرسانی جمعه 1403/12/24
  1. انتشارات جعفری نوین
  2. پرستاری و مامایی
  3. Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health2020 ملزومات بهداشت مادران ، زایمان و نوزادان

Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health2020 ملزومات بهداشت مادران ، زایمان و نوزادان

کد کتاب 121853

Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health

کتاب ملزومات بهداشت مادران ، زایمان و نوزادان


افست = اورجینال
چاپ تمام رنگی

کاغذ 80 گرمی اندونزی
جلد سخت و ته دوخت

*بهترین کیفیت افست را از ما بخواهید*

ضروریات مادران ، نوزادان و پرستاری بهداشت زنان ، ویرایش پنجم ، پرداختن به مسائل تولید مثل زنان در طول عمر با رویکردی روشن و عملی ، دانش آموزان را با دانش و توانایی های بالینی مجهز می کند تا در NCLEX (R) سرآمد باشند و با اطمینان از آنها مراقبت کنند. زنان و خانواده های آنها در حال تکامل محیط مراقبت های بهداشتی هستند.

تعداد صفحه
سال نشر
نوبت چاپ
By (author) Susan Ricci

Addressing the reproductive issues of women throughout the lifespan in a clear, practical approach, Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health Nursing, Fifth Edition, equips students with the knowledge and clinical capabilities to excel on the NCLEX(R) and confidently care for women and their families in today's evolving healthcare environment. Employing a nursing process focus, author Susan Scott Ricci takes students from concept to application by building on previously mastered material to help them make sound clinical choices at every stage of patient care. This new edition has been updated with the latest evidence-based research, reflecting the most current clinical practices, interventions and cultural considerations across the full spectrum of maternity, newborn, and women's health nursing. Realistic case studies immerse students in real-world nursing scenarios to boost their caregiving skills and bridge the gap of limited clinical opportunities, giving students and practicing nurses alike the preparation they need to confidently succeed in today's nursing practice. Create Your Ideal Course with These Additional Solutions! CoursePoint+
Turn classroom success into clinical excellence with simulated, real-world practice built directly into your CoursePoint+ tools.
In CoursePoint+, the clinical scenarios in Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health are joined by vSim(R) for Nursing scenarios and Lippincott(R) Advisor access, giving students a comprehensive, hands-on experience across a variety of patient diagnoses and situations, as well as unparalleled preparation for the following types of challenges they will face in the clinical setting: Lippincott(R) CoursePoint+ includes; Engaging course content provides a variety of learning tools to engage students of all learning styles.A more personalized learning approach gives students the content and tools they need at the moment they need it, giving them data for more focused remediation and helping to boost their confidence and competence.Powerful tools, including varying levels of case studies, interactive learning activities, and adaptive learning powered by PrepU, help students learn the critical thinking and clinical judgment skills to help them become practice-ready

Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women's Health

ملزومات بهداشت مادران ، زایمان و نوزادان


nurses.Unparalleled reporting provides in-depth dashboards with several data points to track student progress and help identify strengths and weaknesses.Unmatched support includes training coaches, product trainers and nursing education consultants to help educators, and students implement CoursePoint with ease.
vSim(R) for Nursing Maternity
Designed to simulate real maternity nursing scenarios, vSim(R) for Nursing, co-developed by Laerdal(R) Medical and Wolters Kluwer, allows
students to interact with virtual patients in a safe, realistic online environment, enhancing students' critical thinking skills and promoting clinical confidence and competence. Amelia Sung Delivery with Risk of Shoulder DystociaAmelia Sung Shoulder DystociaBrenda Patton Group B Strep PositiveBrenda Patton Unknown Group B Strep StatusCarla Hernandez Preparation for C-Section due to Umbilical Cord ProlapseFatime Sanogo Mild Postpartum HemorrhageFatime Sanogo Moderate Postpartum HemorrhageOlivia Jones Mild PreeclampsiaOlivia Jones Severe Preeclampsia
Lippincott(R) DocuCare
This leading educational EHR training solution readies your students for the clinical demands of practice by delivering realistic experience working with EHRs in a safe, true-to-life setting. Designed and refined by nurse educators, Lippincott DocuCare lets you interact with your students, track their progress and focus your teaching strategies -- all in one easy-to-use program.

Product details

  • Hardback | 992 pages
  • 213 x 276 x 38.1mm | 2,109g
  • United States
  • English
  • Fifth, North American Edition
  • 1975112644
  • 9781975112646

سایر کتابهای مرتبط

2,017,900 تومان1,917,005 تومان

پرفروش های پرستاری و مامایی

کد کتاب : 100342

انتشارات بشری

790,000 تومان632,000 تومان